Saturday, March 10, 2012


Welcome to this blog!  In the coming weeks and months, I will be sharing insights, tips, special offers, and more approximately every two weeks.  This blog will primarily be concerned with holistic healthcare, self-care, creativity, and the environment.  Please feel free to email me with questions and suggestions at 
Today, I want to share with you a concern about air quality and also partial solutions to that concern.  The oxygen level in the air, especially in major cities, is lower than in forested areas, and the carbon dioxide level is higher, due to the human population explosion and the high concentration of people in cities.   Manufacturing, automobile traffic, and the decreasing number of trees in the city and in the world also contribute to this problem.  The increasing severity of respiratory problems which arise on days with the most severe air pollution offers strong evidence that poor air quality is a threat to our health and longevity.  Of course, using more environmentally friendly modes of transportation, such as walking, biking, public transportation, carpooling, hybrid, electric, or diesel vehicles, will help, at least on a small scale.   Also, more environmentally responsible consumption, such as eating organic or vegetarian, purchasing   second-hand items, buying as much local produce and other products as possible, growing our own food, traveling less, and other things can also be helpful.  Changes that can be made inside the home, such as using air filters, natural, non-toxic painting and cleaning supplies; avoiding particleboard and out-gassing plastic products can also be positive steps to take.  An especially important, inexpensive, and effective partial solution, and something we often don’t think of using, are indoor plants.  Although it can take 20 or more plants to supply enough oxygen and dispose of enough carbon dioxide to provide optimally beneficial air for one human, even one or two plants, strategically placed, say in the bedroom or living room, will make a significant difference.   Virtually all plants will be helpful, but some are easier to take care of, smaller, or more effective in either providing O2 or reducing CO2.   The snake plant or mother-in-law's tongue, spider plant, Boston fern, English ivy, rubber plant, Areca palm tree, ficus tree, money plant, and the peace lilly are all especially effective in oxygenating and purifying the air.  It also will help to have some windows open when weather permits, especially if the home is near trees.  And, of course, it is best to smoke outside of the home. Those of us with pets which may destroy plants or be poisoned by them, can still enjoy hanging plants in our homes.
Also helpful, on an individual basis, is breathing to optimize oxygen intake and carbon dioxide output.  Over the years, many of us have begun to breathe more shallowly, moving away from deep abdominal breathing into shallow chest breathing.  If you place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your lower abdomen and then breathe, you will quickly be able to tell how deep or shallow your breathing is.  Usually, it is easiest to breathe abdominally when supine.  My suggestion is to devote five minutes a day to monitoring your breath and helping increase your lungs’ vital capacity. 
Today’s offer:  bring in a copy of this blog and receive a breathing assessment, along with suggestions and exercises to help improve your lung function and the oxygenation of your body for only $30.00.  No insurance accepted with this offer. 

Also, check out the health tips TV page of this blog site.

Below is a link you might find interesting.  Cut and paste to your browser.  

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