Sunday, March 17, 2013

            Blog #13: How Hypnosis Can Help You Meet Your Muse

     Many famous artists and scientists have used self-hypnosis 

intentionally or unintentionally to access discoveries and intuitive 

insights.  The Nobel Prize-winning poet William Butler Yeats wrote

of the time when he was sitting at his desk writing poetry and 

accidentally dropped his pen.  When he bent to pick it up, he 

recalled many fantastic adventures, one after another, and then 

realized that he was remembering dreams of nights past.  When he 

tried to think about these dreams, they drifted from his memory and 

he again forgot them.  He realized that when he wrote poetry, he

was in this dream state, equivalent to deep hypnosis. 

     Thomas Alva Edison, possibly the most famous and prolific 

inventor in U. S. history, said that he made many of his discoveries 

while napping in his easy chair in his library.  He would spend some 

time pondering details of a particular challenge he faced, then 

would ask his mind to give him an answer.  He then fell asleep in 

the chair, letting both his arms dangle down over the chair’s arms.

In one hand, he held a large glass ball.  When he fell asleep, his 

hands would relax and the glass ball would clatter to the floor.  The 

resulting vibrations would wake him and he would have an answer, 

sometimes in the form of a diagram.  These answers were not 

always correct, but many were, or were able to eventually lead him 

to a correct answer. 

     Children are spontaneously and naturally creative.  They often 

daydream, and can access information intuitively, a process which

is quicker than analytical thinking.  Of course, accessing both the 

intuitive and the analytical minds simultaneously is often the best

way to be creative.   This can be difficult for many people.  

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis are skills that will help with this. 
     This blog’s offer:  call my office for a free fifteen minute 

consultation regarding a specific challenge in your creative 

endeavors.  I will also let you know if hypnosis or another method 

would be likely to be helpful. 

Also:  Come see my photo show at The Coffee Shop, at 1135 W. 

Sheridan Road, in Chicago.  The show will be there through 

March 31st.  There will be a special reception with music and 

celebration from 7 pm until 9 pm on March 22nd.    Laurie 

Little, a photographer and award-winning film-maker, has 

some beautiful photographs of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in 

winter.  Laurie also designed my blog, with a little help from 

me.  My photographs were taken during my travels in Kenya 

and Mali.  Some narrative accompanies many of the pictures.