
Proper nutrition contributes greatly toward good health and vitality.  Unfortunately, much of the land cultivated for commercial agriculture has been exhausted by continuous use and has been unbalanced or contaminated by genetically engineered seeds, chemical fertilizers and toxic pesticides.  The consequences of this are inadequate amounts of vitamins and minerals in crops, as well as continuous ingestion of pesticides by  by animals and humans.  These two problems have the potential to reduce vitality and increase the likelihood of degenerative diseases.  Vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements and the consumption of certified organically raised food products help us overcome some of the shortcomings of conventional agricultural practices.  Elaine Wagner helps people nutritionally by having them bring in a detailed food diary and making suggestions based on that information.  She helps patients deal with food allergies and supervises short detoxification programs.  She uses improved nutrition, along with other holistic approaches to health, such as acupuncture, chiropractic, and hypnosis, to help people gain more energy, manage pain from gouty arthritis, lower blood pressure, diminish or eliminate PMS, reduce or eliminate sinus problems, improve or cure irritable bowel syndrome, and much more.

Check out an interesting media project below:

TEDxManhattan 2011 Fellow Stefani Bardin created a video that was shown at TEDxManhattan about her latest "smartpill" project on processed and unprocessed food.

Stefani Bardin is a media maker exploring the intersection of art, technology, science, visual culture and community. She is currently engaged with a body of work entitled The Pharmacology of Taste that looks at the role of technology on our food systems.  She is currently in residence at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center in New York.
M2A™: The Fantastic Voyage = is an immersive installation built around the first ever clinical study to use the M2A™ Capsule and SmartPill wireless gastroenterology devices to look at how the human body responds to protocols examining processed versus whole foods. The M2A™ Capsule records video and the SmartPill collects time, pressure and pH from within the GI tract. The installation will include projection of the visual data from the M2A, sound design of the informational data from the Smart Pill and artificial food scents simulating the meals used in the clinical study.