Blog #96 Staying Safe from Infection During a Pandemic
With news of the corona virus invading the media, most of us are probably starting to formulate plans to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This blog features information about prevention, some of which may be novel to readers.
From Perelandra, an organization located in Virginia, which frequently features information about resisting and recovering from infection and about potential pandemics, I am including the following suggestions:
Wash your hands frequently with soap and hot water. Soap between your fingers, don't forget your thumbs and finger tips. Or if water is not available, use alcohol wipes or anti-bacterial hand sanitizers.
Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth. If you do touch your face, wash your hands.
If infection is spreading in your region, wear a surgical mask when in close quarters with others, or at the grocery store. The key to the effectiveness of the mask is wearing it properly so there's no space or openings between the mask and your face. Also, don't reach under the mask to scratch your face. And if you do, don't put that mask back on.
Monitor your temperature. If it spikes, stay home from work out of consideration for other commuters and your coworkers.
Wear leather gloves at the gas pump.
Stay hydrated. Especially drink water.
Shower and shampoo as soon as you get home, and put the clothes you were wearing straight into the hamper. Set yourself and your family up to make this easy. Put a hamper by the door through which you enter your home, and hang clean robes for each family member to use from the door to the shower.
Leave your shoes at the door. Have a set of indoor slippers ready if your floor is cold.
Carry your own pen for signing receipts when you're shopping.
Learn to use smart phone pay systems, and get them set up now so you can avoid having to touch the credit card swiper or sign anything at checkout counters or gas stations.
Use disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces two to five times a day, depending on the number of people using them. Surfaces include doorknobs, countertops (don't forget the edges), light switches, shared keyboards and mouses, printer keypads, shared phones, water cooler buttons, fridge handles, sink handles, toilet handles, remote controls all on/off switches and more.
Wipe down tablets or smart phones frequently through the day, especially if you share them with others.
If someone in your house isn't well, separate their toothbrush, give them separate hand towels, launder bedding frequently. Wear a face mask while in their room, handling the bedding and laundry and consider using disposable/compostable dishes, utensils and paper towels for the duration of the pandemic.
Air out the building or the office, floor or classroom once a day for at least 15-20 minutes. It's a short time of being chilly, but it pays off with not breathing in stuffy air full of everything your coworkers or family have been exhaling!
Set up humidifiers (moist air vaporizers are best) in your home and office during the colder months when indoor air is dry. If you use filters, give your humidifier a thorough cleaning once a week to ensure nothing is growing in there and then traveling out into the air.
Sneeze or cough into your elbow. Teach your kids to do this. Remind friends and coworkers to do this, too.
Maintain good toothbrush hygiene. Replace your toothbrush regularly — especially after an illness, and keep your toothbrush covered when not in use.
Get a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep may profoundly impact your body's immune function.
Keep your mind and emotions calm. Fear, anger, worry and sadness are not inevitable responses to a pandemic. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Should you and your family find yourselves at home for an extended period of time due to illness, it is helpful to have the needed supplies. Prioritize and purchase gradually so it doesn't seriously impact your budget.
One way to do this is to buy extra non-perishable foods with your regular groceries each week. Also, if you are able, buy an extra supply of the herbal, vitamin and multimineral supplements or prescription medicines you or your family members need to take regularly. Check out my blog #94 for some suggestions re: remedies to strengthen your resistance to viral and other infections.
This may sound like overkill, and maybe it is, but in some cases, this approach would likely be very wise and may even save lives.
Other things you can do is eat very healthy, get regular chiropractic and/or acupuncture treatments, is that is feasible, and get some regular exercise, even it is just doing Yoga or Tai Chi or even walking around in a small area.
This blog’s offer: here is a link about preparedness from the Red Cross that you might appreciate. Anatomy of a First Aid Kit
As always, feel free to contact me with questions or problems, as well as for professional support of your health in these challenging times.