Monday, December 30, 2024

                                 Blog# 154 Sunlight Fortifies Immune Function


Now that Winter Solstice has passed, America’s Northern Hemisphere is gradually receiving more sunlight daily.  Southern states, even during the Winter months, frequently receive ample sunlight for their residents to stay warm and also create significant amounts of Vitamin D to support good health, including strong bones and immunity .  Crops can grow year-round in some of these states.  Florida and California are two good examples.  


Residents of the more Northern states do not receive as much sunlight during the Winter months, so their bodies may not make optimal amounts of Vitamin D to keep their immune systems strong during these months.  Additionally, people living in these colder locations tend to expend much physical energy insulating themselves from and fending off cold temperatures.  These situations all contribute to the increased likelihood of flu and “colds” being experienced from late Fall through early Spring.  


Although sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D for most people, a few either are ultra-sensitive or even allergic to sun and so may need to avoid sunlight entirely.  Others, such as the elderly, the very obese, or those with darkly pigmented skin may not be able to manufacture sufficient D or may need major, long-time sun exposure for their bodies to manufacture enough to meet their needs.  Other sources of the sunlight Vitamin include wild fatty fish, such as Salmon, Tuna, Sardines, Cod, Herring and Mackerel.   Other good sources of natural D are egg yolks, some mushrooms, especially shiitake and morels that grow out of doors and experience some sunlight.  Beef and livers of grass-fed animals living out of doors contain good quantities of Vitamin D.  


If you do not get sufficient sunlight or consume sufficient amounts of the above foods in the darker months, then it might be advisable to take a Vitamin D supplement.  Vitamin D3 is considered to be better for you than D2.  The sunlight vitamin is best absorbed taken with oily or fatty food, as long as the oil or fat is high quality. Some people may not know that it is best to take Vitamin D in the morning or afternoon.  Taking D at night may interfere with sleep.  Several brands of fish oil also contain D, but since the waters are growing increasingly polluted, and the food these fish eat is increasingly contaminated by mercury, plastics, and many industrial chemicals, fish may become an increasingly less wholesome food.  This especially applies to fish liver oils, since the liver is a major detoxifier and also is the most vascular organ in most animals’ bodies. In Norway, it is recommended that women of child-bearing age avoid consuming fish livers for this reason.  Here is a link you can cut and paste to your browser, if you are interested in reading about this topic:  Consumption of Fish-Liver and Risk of Cancer-an Epidemiological Approach to the Arctic Dilemma


Taking care of your health by regular exercise – especially out of doors, good diet, sufficient sleep, reducing stress levels among other things, will also help improve your absorption and manufacture of the sunshine vitamin.  Optimal blood levels range from about 50 ng/ml to about 110 ng/ml.  Vitamin D toxicity is rare, but it does happen.  And many people have low levels of vitamin D.  Once again, the best source for this vitamin is sunlight, though it may be necessary to use more than one source.  It is understandable that many cultures worshipped the Sun as their major Deity, since it’s presence helped the Earth produce food and helped humans survive.  Let us be grateful that the Sun is again on its way back to bringing more light, warmth and vitality into our lives.  Happy New Year.


This month’s blog offer:  contact me if you want further information about some excellent or little-known sources of Vitamin D to support immunity.  

Thursday, November 28, 2024

             Blog #153 Deep Efficient Breathing Supports Immune Function


In addition to sound sleep, optimal nutrition, regular exercise and strong posture, deep, efficient breathing helps keep the immune system strong. Many factors can influence the quality of breathing.  Some of these factors are balanced posture, physical and mental relaxation, a well-aligned musculoskeletal system especially involving the spine, sufficiently clean air, appropriate weight to height ratio, regular exercise, such as walking, Yoga, and Tai Chi/Qigong, enjoyment of life, and inner peace.  


Over the years, quite a few singers have come to me for treatment, saying that after a Chiropractic adjustment, they were able to breathe more deeply and sing more strongly and clearly.   Acupuncture treatment also sometimes helped them.  Some singers discovered that when they reduced or eliminated wheat, dairy and oily, fried foods from their diet, their singing voices improved. 


There are many causes of sleep apnea, or apnea when awake.  Sometimes, when people eat large meals close to bedtime or when they consume foods to which they are sensitive or allergic, such as wheat, soy, dairy or alcohol, they may be likely to stop breathing frequently during sleep.  Smoking cigarettes, marijuana, or other substances can also interfere with optimal breathing.  When there is much fluid retention in the abdomen and/or chest, or when a person is significantly overweight, the mechanics of breathing can be impeded.  Stressful stimuli during the day or soon before sleep can result in more muscular tension than usual, including diaphragmatic tension, and this can result in sleeping or waking apnea.  Even powerful mental concentration can sometimes result in apnea.  


Reading inspirational literature or listening to soothing music can help improve breathing, as can becoming more aware of the breath and thoughts. Vipassana meditation, a type of Buddhist meditation that focuses on watching the breath while allowing thoughts to enter and leave the mind, can sometimes help alleviate breathing issues.  I personally have corrected my own sleep apnea with Self-Hypnosis, and have helped several other people do this. 


Since it is the end of November, near the Thanksgiving holiday, let’s remember that a grateful, constructive, and caring perspective on everyday life can help improve breathing depth and regularity, thus oxygenating the tissues well, and helping improve sleep quality.  With improved tissue oxygenation and improved sleep, immune function will also improve.  


Many of the above approaches can help encourage inner peace, although it takes many years, sometimes even decades, to become very peaceful inside. I suggest reading literature from Peace Pilgrim as a beginning guide.  You can find this material online, plus some people, including myself, may have copies for sale or distribution.  


This blog’s offer:  As a thank you for reading this blog to the very end, I am offering free instruction in abdominal breathing, which also can help you breathe more efficiently.  If you search YouTube for instructions, just make sure that you observe that the instructor’s abdomen is moving at least as much, and preferably more, than the is chest when they breathe.  Wishing everyone a year ahead for which we all can be grateful. 

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

                                  Blog# 152 Exercise and Good Posture


Another factor besides sufficient sleep and optimal nutrition that supports healthy immune function is activity, especially when the body is well-balanced and aligned.  Activity helps keep muscles toned, blood circulating, lymph draining, neurological system perceptive and responsive, internal organs functioning appropriately, attention focused, emotions harmonized, and even intellect and consciousness sharp, compared with people who are mainly sedentary.  Chiropractic adjusting and Massage are both excellent ways to further increase the benefits of exercise, especially when paired with stable and balanced posture.  Spinal, cranial and extremity (arms legs, etc) adjusting, and also Massage, especially of muscles and lymphatic system, help improve the body’s range of motion, improve balance, instill a sense of confidence, and reduce physical and mental stress.  And of course, when a person is unable to exercise sufficiently to support their health, then Physical Therapy, Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, and passive movement, which are often done by all these professionals can be vital to health and recovery.  


As people age, it becomes increasingly important to keep moving as much as possible.  Walking, stretching, calisthenic exercise, passive motion, Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong, light weight training, Strong Posture training and gentle Pilates may benefit people as they grow older.  Almost always, at least one of these exercises or disciplines can benefit a person.  In the past several years, the statement that “sitting is the new smoking” has been in the news, with publicizing statements such as: sitting too much can contribute to the development of heart disease, cancer, metabolic syndrome and even poor emotional health, especially depression.


When you sit, you are folded, and this folding of the body can interfere with blood, lymph, nerve and Qi flow throughout the body.  Getting up at least every hour can be helpful when seated at work, flying on a plane, riding in a car, and in other sedentary situations.  I recommend that people move every 15 minutes when seated for lengthy periods of time, and often teach a series of three exercises, which I call “chair backward stretch” to my patients.  Standing workstations and treadmill work stations can also help people stay active and “unfolded”.


I believe that walking outside, among trees or along a large body of water is especially helpful for immune health.  The natural world can be both calming and energizing.  The rhythm of a surf, the warmth of the sun, the fragrance of trees and flowers, vibrations rising from the earth and breathing fresh air, if you can find it, all can support physical and emotional healing, instill calmness in the mind and spirit and therefore can support immune function.  So I invite you to make sure to be active every day, often in the out-of-doors.


This blog’s offer:  if I have treated you as a patient in the past year, contact me and I will teach you the “chair backward stretch” exercises free of charge.  If you are currently coming to me for treatment, and if I have not yet taught you these exercises, just ask and I will do so.  And if sometime in the past, you received treatment from me, contact me, and for a small fee, I will teach you these exercises.  I wish you a healthy, active year.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blog# 151 Healthful Nutrition Supports Strength Flexibility and Immunity


Recently, I’ve been reading and watching a lot of information about nutrition and a healthy immune system.  There was one interview that I particularly appreciated, and am sharing the link to the discussion with you below. You only need to listen; watching is not necessary.  And please do not read politics into this.  Dr. John Campbell is from the UK and I don’t perceive him as being particularly political.  His overarching concern is health in the UK, the US, and the rest of the world.  However, many people need to be educated about good nutrition in order to improve their health.  They don’t necessarily need to take a stand against agribusiness or big pharm, but they do need to refrain from purchasing unhealthful foods and especially need to feed their children high quality foods from animals and plants that have been nourished optimally, have not been poisoned, and have been treated humanely.  (And yes, in my opinion, plants also flourish more when treated with care and respect.)


Click on the above link or plug it into a YouTube search and it should work.  This is great just by itself, and I think it is worth listening to more than once.  


I would recommend purchasing naturally raised, organically raised, biodynamically raised produce from farmers markets, food co-ops, or growing food yourself if you are in the fortunate position to do that.  But if you can not afford organic, then at least purchase whole, locally grown foods as much as possible.  It is relatively inexpensive to make your own fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and yogurt, rather than purchasing them at the store.  Community gardens allow you to rent a plot and grow food there, and that can be economical if you have a sunny plot and know how to successfully raise produce.  Theft by squirrels, rabbits and also humans can be a problem.  Growing flowers that repel insects near your crops can help protect a garden.  So can having a watch dog in the yard, if you garden at home.  If you get a chance, watch how small organic farms are run.  Some farmers will allow you to visit, especially if you help out for a few hours on their land.  


Once again, in closing, I will direct you to watch/listen to that link above.  You may not agree with absolutely everything, but much of it is common sense, when you take the time to think about it.  I wish you a happy Autumn harvest time.  May this winter be kind to all of us.


This blog’s offer:  feel free to contact me about anything related to nutrition or to Dr. John Campbell.  Wishing Harmony and Peace for us all and for the World.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

                     Blog 150 August Is/Was Immune Support Month


August was deemed immunization awareness month, to remind people to get vaccinations, shots, and gene therapy injections in hopes of protecting health.  This blog will cover even more essential ways to protect health: consistent, everyday healthy lifestyle, positive attitude toward life experiences, and supportive social networks.


Sufficient, sound sleep is very important for maintaining health.  Avoiding blue screens for several hours prior to bedtime, or using blue light blocking glasses, blue light blocking screens or other methods to greatly reduce your blue screen/ray exposure will make it likely that you will fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.  Your eyes will also be protected from blue ray damage, which can lead to cataracts or other reductions in visual acuity.  However, sunlight exposure in the morning, including blue light rays helps you sleep more soundly at night.  


Eating large, spicy, fatty or sugary meals soon before bedtime will also often disturb sleep.  Watching, listening to and reading material that will stir up your mind, make you worry, anger you, or otherwise interfere with peace of mind can interfere with sleep, making it hard to fall asleep, or making nightmares more likely. Unresolved conflict can also be disturbing, so it is best to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings before bedtime with those to whom you are close. 


Meditation, self-hypnosis, prayer, inspirational reading or listening to soothing music prior to bedtime tend to enhance sleep quality.  Alcoholic beverages and some recreational drugs may also impair sleep quality.  Eating to support nutritional needs and vitality, staying sufficiently hydrated, but not drinking too much fluids right before going to bed can all be helpful.  


When needed, sleep aides, such as melatonin one to two hours before bedtime can help you fall asleep more easily.  Another sleep aide, Calms Forte, is a homeopathic remedy that helps relax an overstimulated nervous system.  It is not habit forming, and is safe to use.  Certain high quality herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint leaf, skullcap, and lemongrass with ginger can help relax the body, nervous system and mind. 


Varying types of exercise can either stimulate the body and mind and make sleeping difficult, or can relax and tire the body, making you ready to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. Playing in competitive sports or running significant distances soon before bedtime, can stir up adrenaline and nervous energy, while 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, stretching or Yoga before bedtime or at any time during the day can help you fall asleep more quickly and easily. 


Keeping the room totally dark and also quiet can help encourage sleep.  Draw shades and curtains, cover the glowing faces of clocks, and arrange to have computers, television and radio quiet at bedtime and during sleep time.  Some people use ear plugs or place sleep masks over their eyes.  Do not expose yourself to the energies of cell phones, computers and other similar devices soon before bedtime.  5G communications as well as location of a home near railroad and subway tracks, commuter train stations, high power lines and other similar devices and places can be problematic for rest and calm.  Living near factories that discharge toxic waste can result in inhalation of smoke and molecules that interfere with breathing and decrease oxygen and fresh air intake.  In these locations, allergies, respiratory infections and other difficulties, such as sleep apnea,  are more likely to occur than in areas with good air quality.  


Temperatures that are either uncomfortably cold or hot can also cause sleep problems.  Dressing warmly in winter, which may include wearing a sleeping cap or gloves and using air-conditioning or fans with open windows can both help mitigate health-threatening temperature extremes. Sometimes, sleeping in consistently cold temperatures without sufficient coverings can slow thyroid function, while consistent over-heating at night can interfere with deep sleep and lead to fatigue during the day.


So we have covered some factors that can affect sleep quality, which, in turn, can support or undermine immune function.  In the next blog, we will cover some important nutritional factors that can influence the immune system and help you protect yourself from many health threats.  


This blog’s offer: contact me with questions about sleep quality, as well as for Acupuncture, Chiropractic and other treatments that can help improve sleep.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Blog #149 Cooked

                                                                 Blog #149 Cooked


With weather growing increasingly hot, people are suffering more heat injuries than before. Recently, I learned that someone who has spent over a decade working hard outdoors through all the seasons suffered from heat exhaustion or heat stroke.  Fortunately, she recovered, but she no longer works outdoors in hot weather.  Since the rest of her family dislike air-conditioning, they set up an air-conditioned room for her.   


Heatstroke is a medical emergency and can lead to permanent organ damage or death.  Heat exhaustion, something that quite a few of us have experienced, usually does not result in permanent internal organ damage.  Both are variations of heat illness, something that more and more people are suffering from due to warming temperatures throughout much of the world. 


Thankfully, the woman above was with other people, and when she collapsed, they immediately carried her indoors, put cold compresses in her armpits, at her neck, groin, and wrists.  They gave her some cold water, followed by cold vegetable broth when she could sit up and drink.  Since the closest hospital was almost an hour away, they took care of this emergency at home. 


It is best to be with other people when you are outside in hot weather, especially when hiking or working hard.  Carrying water with you is essential, and since pure water is not actually the most hydrating thing we can drink, in the case of heat exhaustion or stroke, water with extra electrolytes or some healthful juice or broth would also be beneficial.  Since heat stroke is an emergency situation where the body temperature rises rapidly and tops 104 degrees F, putting someone in a cold bath will help bring their core temperature down the most quickly.  


The woman above almost fully recovered, but says that since the heat injury, she tires easily when in a hot environment, either indoors or outside.  She feels drawn to eat more cooling foods than in the past, especially cucumbers, celery, raw vegetable salads and fruit with especially high water content, such as watermelon, grapes and grapefruit.  She chose to lose a little weight and this, too makes her feel less vulnerable in hot temperatures.


People who are elderly, obese, suffering from chronic disease or acute infection, highly medicated, dehydrated or malnourished all may be especially vulnerable to higher temperatures.  Musculoskeletal weakness and excessive physical exertion can also put people at risk, as can dressing too warmly and having a past history of heat damage. Even moderate heat exhaustion may result in mild damage to kidneys, liver, lung, heart, brain and other areas of the body.  Years after an incident of heat stroke, some illnesses may develop, possibly associated with that prior injury.  The immune system, too may be compromised in the long run after heat stroke.  In these times of increasingly elevated temperatures, it is important to be cautious. I never thought I would look favorably on air-conditioning, but gradually, I have been won over to its benefits.  Stay safe and enjoy the rest of Summer.


This blog’s offer: feel free to contact me with further questions about heat injury.  Tui Na is a type of Chinese massage for health, and one teacher shared with our class a way to help address heat exhaustion by moving energy in the direction to cool the core.  I am willing to talk about that or share that skill for a very nominal fee or as part of a regular appointment.  Tui Na is not supposed to take the place of the above-mentioned steps or a trip to the emergency room in a serious situation, but it can help you cool off when you feel you have been out in the sun a little too long.  


Thursday, June 27, 2024

                                                   Blog# 148 Music Healing


As I have alluded to in previous blogs, sound, music, and particular notes and keys in music can have profound effects on the mind, emotions and physical body.  A basic approach for most Westerners would be to correlate the various notes to the particular endocrine glands.  Colors can also be correlated with body systems, emotions and endocrine glands, as can flavors, aromas and specific points on the body’s energy channels.  Acupuncture works with one such energy system and Ayurveda works with another energy system.   


Listening to music can often have a calming, healing effect.  However, listening to chaotic, discordant music can be harmful to mind and body.  More frequent exposure to a particular kind of music will generally result in more profound, long-lasting effects.  Using notes most common in Western music, the note and key to organ and endocrine correspondences are listed below.  They are approximate, since there is some overlap, due to note variance from flat to natural to sharp and to organ and endocrine function and influence.  The variance I refer to exists in the music some cultures, where there are recognized a vast number of gradations between one note and the next.  


The note C corresponds with all reproductive organs.


The note D corresponds with the adrenal glands, kidneys and urinary bladder.


The note E corresponds with large and small intestines, pancreas and spleen and sometimes the stomach.


The note F# corresponds with heart and lungs, thymus, liver and gall bladder and sometimes the stomach and esophagus.


The note G corresponds with thyroid, parathyroid, tonsils and adenoids. 


The note A corresponds with pituitary and parts of the brain.


The note Bb corresponds with pineal gland and other parts of the brain.


The note B corresponds with the energy field, aura and how the world’s energy affects and is affected by our individual energies.  


Several of these notes, especially C, D, F# and G would be especially effective in helping balance and heal the musculoskeletal system.  All harmonious music will have healing effects.  Tuning forks vibrating at particular notes are sometimes applied to areas of the body to speed tissue repair or calm the nervous system.


Kay Gardner’s musical composition, “A Rainbow Path” in which she demonstrates with eight musical pieces how and where each of eight notes impact the body and mind, is an excellent source for exploring these correspondences further.  


This blog’s offer:  feel free to contact me with further questions about this topic, or to schedule an Acupuncture treatment session accompanied by hammered dulcimer music.  


Friday, May 31, 2024

               Blog #147 May is Meditation and Mental Health Month


Among many other May things.  And I am writing this blog right on the cusp of June, but June is a fine month also. Some previous blogs have covered Meditation, but I want to touch on a few points regarding Meditation and mental health and also add a new Meditation, special for this year, which is most powerful from mid-May until possibly the end of July.  


Vipassana, one of the most ancient Buddhist Meditations, originated in India over 2,500 years ago, and was taught by Gautama Buddha as a treatment for universal ills. It involves becoming aware of oneself and the surrounding reality while watching the breath.  It is usually done seated.  This style of meditation can help calm the mind, sharpen powers of focus and concentration and reduce mental and emotional suffering.  Whenever the mind wanders, it is brought back to watching the breath.  


Transcendental Meditation, or TM, was developed last century by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.  It has become popular and is used by many people to help them with relaxation, which in turn may help improve physical health, such as lowering blood pressure, and improve mental health, such as alleviating stress-related insomnia and anxiety.  TM involves spending 20 minutes morning and evening silently repeating a given mantra.  This can help with mental focus and the release of stressful thoughts and attachments.  


Taoist Esoteric Yoga includes many styles of Energy work and Meditation.  Tai Qi and Qi Gong are moving Meditations.  Some of these forms are many centuries old traditions and some have been developed more recently. Elements of these forms are optimal posture, disciplined use of gaze, flowing movement of the body, and specific mental intention and focus.  Movement and focus help optimize blood and energy (Qi) circulation to achieve specific results, such as warming hands and feet, encouraging peristalsis (intestinal motility) and muscular relaxation.


A specific, Life and Nature-based Meditation, which will be available for people for the next two months or so is what I will call the Cicada Meditation.  From mid-May this year until about the end of July, two different broods of Cicadas converge on the U.S., especially the mid-Western states, such as Illinois, to emerge from the ground, shed their skins, mature and mate.  One brood has been living a few inches underground for the past 13 years, feeding on the sap from tree roots, and the other has been doing this for 17 years.  This overlap of broods last occurred 221 years ago.  We might benefit by taking advantage of this spectacular conjunction with Meditation.  Time spent in Nature can be healing and relaxing.  Not only can we enjoy beautiful plants, animals, lakes, streams, sky and earth, but we can also enjoy the sight of these colorful, gentle Cicadas.  The call of the male Cicada is repetitive, relaxing and Mantra-like.  The female makes a clicking sound.  Some people play recordings of Cicada calls to help them fall asleep at night, or use them as white noise, or even as soothing background for massage or other healing sessions. Observing and listening to Cicadas can be a Zen-like experience, being here now in a natural healing venue.  You may be able to access some Cicada calls via the link below – just cut and paste it to your browser.  Enjoy!


CICADA SOUNDS - Sound Effect of Cicadas in Summer at Night - Sounds of Cicada (Chicharra, Campanero)


This blog’s offer:  enjoy this summer and also the Cicadas.  Plus, from June through July each year you will experience the most powerful and effective Acupuncture treatments, so consider scheduling an appointment during this time.



Thursday, April 25, 2024

         Blog #146 Spinal Alignment and Good Posture Support Health,                          Intellect and Intuition


If you have suffered from back, neck, hip or other musculoskeletal pain, you probably noticed that pain interferes with concentration and perception of details and nuances you may encounter. Not only is pain a distraction – chronic pain will eventually contribute to the body’s inflammation load.  Chronic inflammation, in turn, often results in deeper problems  – osteoarthritis, autoimmune diseases such as lupus, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Sjogren’s syndrome , generalized physical and mental tension, anxiety and depression.  Also, the discomfort, distorted posture and bodily tension due to spinal misalignment interfere with breathing, blood and lymphatic circulation and tissue oxygenation.  So, spinal misalignment and consequent sub-optimal posture can be problematic in ways that some of us did not expect.  


In the past, I noticed that when I was able to help relieve back pain in patients who suffered from anxiety and/or depression, the pain relief resulted in improved mental focus, reduced fatigue and balanced moods.  When spinal adjustments were accompanied by improved nutrition, then digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) and chronic constipation were significantly diminished or even eliminated.   Several of my patients felt so well after regaining physical comfort, improved posture and a healthful diet that, under their PCP’s supervision, they were weaned off anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications without ill effects or relapses.  Sometimes, they also availed themselves of counseling and began to exercise regularly.  Tai Chi, Chi Gong, Yoga and walking out of doors in Nature all can be helpful.  Some used Flower Essences or learned Meditation or Self-Hypnosis.  


When the body is comfortable and balanced and the mind is calm and able to perceive subtle thoughts and physical changes, this can put a person in a receptive, intuitive state.  Each improvement builds on the previous one: improved musculoskeletal alignment and posture, improved nutrition and digestive/eliminative function, improved blood and lymph circulation, improved neurological function, more relaxed, efficient breathing, balanced emotions, sharper mind, and finally, enhanced intuition and creativity.  


Spinal and other musculoskeletal adjusting tends to be the most direct and quickest way to reduce discomfort comfort and improve posture, but it is best to pair adjustments with some of the exercises mentioned previously to help support and maintain improvements.  Dietary improvement and other lifestyle changes are also important, especially sufficient sleep, stress reduction or stress management, reduction of internal (i.e. excess cortisol) and external (i.e. pesticides) toxins, and a positive, constructive sense of purpose or meaning in life.  


This blog’s offer:  feel free to contact me for Chiropractic adjusting, Flower Essence therapy, Hypnosis/Self-Hypnosis, nutritional suggestions, Acupuncture, or Strong Posture instruction. Enjoy Spring!



Sunday, March 31, 2024

            Blog #145 Some Lesser Known Resources for Optimal Health


Although it is true that some people cannot afford to purchase organic food, air purifiers, and other supportive supplies, many of us can afford to buy at least some of these items, especially when faced with negative health consequences that can occur when people do not care for themselves and their families as well as their circumstances allow.  Below are many sources of excellent, life-giving foods, water and air purification systems, exercise suggestions, holistic health support, and not easily found sources of information regarding good health.


Several Food Co-ops either currently exist or will soon exist in the Chicago area.  Dill Pickle Food Co-op operates in Logan Square, on Milwaukee Avenue, the Chicago Market will be in Uptown, on Wilson Avenue,  and Wild Onion Food Co-op (Rogers Park) will be opening this year, on Clark Street.  All three of these food co-ops buy or will buy much of their produce from local farmers, some of whom are certified Organic.  Larger stores, such as Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s and Mariano’s also sell a significant amount of Organic or other naturally-grown produce, though much of their food comes from more distant locations, such as California or Mexico. Farmers’ Markets usually are my favorite places to buy produce.  There are many markets in the Chicago area, such as the Logan Square, Green City and Rogers’ Park Markets.  Farmers markets exist in almost all Chicago suburbs, including Skokie, Evanston, Oak Park, Wilmette, and Park Ridge.  Evanston is my personal favorite.  There are also stores that buy meat, dairy and produce primarily from local farmers and sell to the public. The store that I am most familiar with is Village Farmstand, located in Evanston, on Dempster.  Several community gardens in Chicago and also in other suburbs, such as Evanston, allow you to rent a plot and grow some produce in spring, summer and autumn.  And, of course, if you are fortunate enough to have land for a garden, you can grow some of your own food.  


Unfortunately, last year, Chicago was rated as one of the most polluted cities in the U.S., due to the Canadian fires.  Many people chose to stay inside as much as possible, and air purifiers helped make the indoor air less toxic. Several air purifiers recommended by Consumers are several Blue Air Blue Pure brand air filters, Conway Air brand filters, Alen Breathe Smart, Clean Force brand, and Honeywell brand air purifiers.  I personally would add Air Doctor air purifiers to the list.  Another way to keep air in your space clean is to have many plants (and I mean vast numbers) in your spaces.  It is best to primarily use those that are good bedroom plants. These will not exhale a lot of carbon dioxide at night, like many plants do.  Some plants I would recommend to keep your indoor air clean are Boston Fern, English Ivy, all Palm Trees, Rubber Plants, Pearl Lilly, and Snake Plant (this last is my favorite).  


Regarding water, it is best not to drink water from plastic bottles, since those bottles both pollute the environment and introduce small particles of plastic into your body.  Instead, I would recommend consuming water in glass bottles, such as Mountain Valley, or Voss.  Otherwise, it would be best to purify tap water at home.  The best ways to purify water are either distillation, which removes all impurities, including fluoride, reverse osmosis, which removes almost all impurities, or a high quality water filter.  Several waters purifiers I would recommend include Zero Water, Aqua Pure, Berkey (gravity driven, no electricity), APEC Water System (reverse osmosis) and Water Wise (distillation).  


Highly beneficial exercise includes regular walks, preferably out of doors, near a body of water or In a wooded area, regular Yoga, Tai Chi or Chi Gong practice, modern, flowing dance as well as some more challenging exercises, such as weight lifting two or three times a week or using exercise bands several times a week.  Strong Posture, a program to cultivate improved posture and balance, is also very beneficial, especially for people who are middle aged or older.  Grounding yourself by being barefoot on earth or sand can be helpful.  I also recommend forest bathing – spending time walking and relaxing among trees. These above types of exercise will help reduce stress, support better sleep and digestion, keep the body more toned and strong, support the immune system, and much more. 


Finally, supportive therapies, such as Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Massage, and guided specific therapeutic exercises can all improve both mental and physical health.  I wish you the best in finding what works best for you.


This blog’s offer:  contact me if you would like to receive Chiropractic or Acupuncture therapy, if you would like to take a Strong Posture course, or if you would like to learn some Chi Gong forms appropriate for you. Also, if you contact me, I will share with you some difficult to find sources of information regarding protecting yourself from infectious disease, medical errors, and more.

Thursday, February 29, 2024

                                    Blog #144 Peace in the Midst of Storms

(written during the tornado watch in the Chicago area on February 27, 2024)


In this blog, I will share with you information about several wise teachers who refer to and exemplify Peace, especially Inner Peace, as one aspect of a healthy, fulfilled life and world.  Peace Pilgrim, a woman who walked penniless in the U.S. from coast to coast multiple times for 28 years, accepting food and shelter when offered, all in the name of Peace, stated that all types of Peace are important: that between nations, neighbors, that within families and especially Peace within each individual.  All types have the potential to help increase likelihood of greater Peace in the world.  You can easily find her on the internet.  Just search for Peace Pilgrim.  You can read the beautiful book, Peace Pilgrim her life and work in her own words, on the Peace Pilgrim website free of charge, or purchase it.  Peace Pilgrim was the first woman to walk the entire Appalachian Trail in one season, just before she embarked as a wanderer and walker for Peace.  


David Coon, a Qigong Teacher and Healer living in North Carolina, teaches entire workshops for improved health, healing others, and about how to feel more peaceful internally.  He states that Activity and Focus are both important for effective Qigong practice.  One of the most beautiful Qigong forms he teaches is called The Waterfall.  You can find him on the internet, and especially on YouTube, by searching for David J Coon and Qigong.  He even offers a free two hour workshop on Peace, that you will find well worth the time if you decide to watch and participate.  David healed himself from serious injuries decades ago using daily Qigong.  He teaches classes in person in North Carolina and also online.  David Coon has recently written a book, Qigong for Beginners Your Path to Greater Health and Vitality, which you might enjoy.


Jeffrey Yuen is an 88th generation Priest of the Jade Purity School Lao Tzu Sect, and representative of other Taoist Sects as well.  He is one of the most sought-after teachers of the Art and Science of Chinese Medicine, and exemplifies Peace in his presence and daily life.  He has deep knowledge and wisdom about healing with Acupuncture, Meditation, Gems, Aromatic Oils, Herbs, and much more.  He has organized much of the Classical Chinese Medicine curriculum at the Daoist Healing Arts school in North Carolina, as well as in other schools.  Listening to him and learning from him is an unforgettable experience.  You can find more information about Jeffrey Yuen online.  Some lectures and courses may be available for a reasonable fee.  


What the world needs now are Love and Peace.  It so so important to work, live, and move closer to that state of balance and harmony.  


This blog’s offer:  if you have any questions about any of these fine people, please feel free to contact me.  If I can be of help in some way, through Hypnosis, Flower Essences, Qigong and more, all of which can help bring people into a state of increased balance and Peace, contact me by phone or email.  



Monday, January 29, 2024

                                        Blog# 143 Stay Strong With Vitamin D


I have decided to re-visit a blog sent out a couple of years ago, because an optimal level of Vitamin D is so important for many things, including bone strength and density and immune system health.  During winter in the more northern latitudes, there is insufficient sunlight to deliver optimal vitamin D, so especially during these colder months, diet and supplements are important sources of this vitamin.


Here is a copy of the previous blog.  I will also include a link to an interesting discussion about Vitamin D and continuing optimal health, especially strong resistance to infection.    


One of many ways to optimize immune function is through proper nutrition, including good Vitamin D levels.  Opinions vary about the best Vitamin D range, but from my research of varied medical and nutritional literature, I have concluded the best range falls between 40 and 80 ng/mL.  Some people say that it is best to have values between 80 and 100 ng/mL when working to prevent viral, or other, infections.  Levels of 30 ng/mL and below can be problematic, and should be raised by sunlight exposure, nutrient supplementation, and improved diet. 


Vitamin D, which is actually a hormone, can perform many functions, including supporting healthy bone density, reducing pain and inflammation, reducing rheumatoid arthritis joint pain, soothing and smoothing skin, healing gastric ulcers, and protecting against infection, especially in the winter.  Additionally, The Mayo Clinic states that long-term Vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of multiple sclerosis and that low blood levels of this vitamin are associated with cognitive decline.  Some sources have observed that Vitamin D may sometimes help reduce depression and anxiety. Vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy may result in neonatal rickets, childhood asthma, and an increased tendency to develop autoimmune ailments, especially type 1 diabetes.  The mother may suffer from pre-eclampsia, which may endanger both her and the baby.  


The three best ways to obtain this vitamin/hormone are direct sunlight, especially in the warmer latitudes, nutritional supplementation, and whole foods.  Tanning salons are not recommended.  In the northernmost latitudes, it is necessary to obtain most of this vitamin from foods and supplements.  Eskimos consume lots of fish and animal blubber, both of which are rich in Vitamin D.  Other food sources of Vitamin D are egg yolks, fatty fish, such as salmon, sardines and anchovies, mushrooms (Vitamin D2 only) and cod liver oil (also high in Vitamin A and a broad spectrum of omega fatty acids).  Food quality is important for optimal nutrient absorption, so, if possible, choose wild caught fish, preferably from relatively clean waters, choose eggs from hens raised in optimal organic or biodynamic conditions and organically raised mushrooms.  Cod liver oil should be obtained from fish living in as pure water as possible, such as the arctic regions.  The oil should be minimally processed, if at all. Because of the relatively high levels of vitamin A to D, taking too much of this oil may cause problems for a developing fetus, so it shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy.  Sun bathing and simple D supplements are preferable for pregnant women.  People taking Statins, some blood pressure medications and Warfarin or other anti-coagulants generally should avoid this oil unless they consult their PCP and adjust the medication dosage to accommodate to the effects of this oil.  For example, cod liver oil tends to lower blood pressure and also is a mild anti-coagulant.  Some popular oil brands are Rosita Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil, Carlson Wild Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil.  Some popular brands of Vitamin D3 are Essential Elements D3, Life Extension Vitamin D3,  Nature Wise D3, and MegaFood Vitamin D3 for Immune and Bone Health.  


Parts of the world population may have problems absorbing this nutrient.  They include the elderly, the immunocompromised, darker-skinned people, those who have gastrointestinal conditions such as leaky gut, people who live in the northern latitudes, the overweight or obese, people with health issues involving liver or kidneys, people who live in areas with high air pollution, those who use sunscreen, and those with cool or cold skin.  Sometimes, taking in a combination of Vitamins D, A and omega fatty acids will help improve absorption, as will taking a good probiotic, eating fermented foods, regulating blood sugar, getting enough sleep, improving food quality, sufficient hydration, exercising regularly and learning to relax and deal with stress more effectively.  Checking the baseline blood level, making life or nutritional changes, if needed, and checking again in about six months will usually help optimize the level of this hormone.  


Here is a link to a fascinating, even stunning discussion regarding Vitamin D, Viral infections, and more.  There are many verifiable references to population mortality and morbidity associated with varying Vitamin D levels.  Dr. David Grimes and Dr. John Campbell from the UK discuss this vital topic.  You can cut and paste the link below to your browser, or even cut and paste it to the YouTube browser.


Dr. David Grimes, consultant physician gives amazing information on the importance of immunity and vitamin D.


This blog’s offer, feel free to contact me regarding specific recommendations about Vitamin D support in daily diet and in nutritional supplementation.