Blog #131 Living a Long Healthy Life
Some people would like to live as long as possible, in reasonably good health. Others would want to be independent as long as possible. And other people regard work and making a worthwhile contribution in the world as important reasons to continue living. Many of us don’t even want to live past 100. But this blog’s information should still be valuable. Below are descriptions of three supercentenarians, who either died recently or are still alive. They share certain commonalities.
Maria Branya Morera, just prior to her 116th birthday, says that, in addition to good genes and good luck, an important factor in longevity is avoiding toxic people. Maria also credits “order, tranquility, good connection with family and friends, contact with nature, emotional stability, no worries, no regrets, and lots of positivity” for her long life. She has lived in a nursing home in Spain for the past 22 years, and keeps in touch with thousands of followers through her twitter account with a little help from her daughter. She survived Covid-19 without any health issues, although many around her died.
Lucile Randon, from France, was the world’s oldest person until she passed away in January of this year (2023). She joined a sisterhood of Catholic Nuns at age 41, and felt strongly that working as long as you can is an important factor in longevity. She worked as a teacher or gave assistance to the poor and ailing until she was 108. Lucile enjoyed chocolate and wine, both in moderation, and lived in a nursing home toward the end of her life. Like Maria Branya Morera, she survived Covid without problems.
Shlomo Sulayman, a supercentenarian from Israel, lived a simple life, walking long distances and going to the synagogue daily, and eating three simple, small meals. Dinner was a salad and egg. He was a well-known religious scholar, to whom many came for advice, and his mind was sharp until the very end of his life. He lived independently in his home after his wife died at age 94. When he was confined to his home at the onset of the pandemic, his health declined rapidly and he died at the age of 117, in October 2020.
The first thing that occurs to me about these three people is that they led simple, consistent, meaningful lives. They also had ongoing connections with family, friends, and/or community, did things in moderation, and stayed active. Likely they had good genetics.
I have kept this short and sweet. Their stories speak for themselves. I wish you a happy, healthy, fulfilling year ahead.
This blog’s offer: contact me if you want to talk and share about people you know who have lived long lives. I wish you a happy, healthy 2023.