Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Blog# 155 Inner and Outer Peace Support Immunity


Because nations and people can be violent and chaotic, especially more recently, it seems, and because violence, such as stabbings, school shootings, carjackings, kidnappings/hostage taking, and wars of various types all can harm our emotional and physical health, it is important to cultivate inner and outer peace.  Some ways to cultivate inner peace involve consistent responsibility for oneself.  For example, getting regular exercise that is appropriate for our health and needs will not only boost the immune system, but also help calm the mind and balance emotions.  Nutrition appropriate for each individual’s needs will help balance the microbiome (gut bacteria), reduce inflammation and fluid retention, support vascular and neurological health, and much more.  And these positive choices and benefits support and increase a sense of mental and emotional harmony.  Spending time in nature while accepting the gifts of sunlight, clean air, healthy trees, life-giving Earth vibrations and more definitely will contribute to feelings of inner peace.  Sufficient deep sleep will help support health in many ways, including helping to understand and overcome problems and conflicts while dreaming, and this, of course can support inner and outer harmony.  Optimal oxygenation of the tissues with good breathing habits and healthy, strong posture also will support physical, mental and emotional well-being.  So, all the points presented in the previous several blogs can support immunity and also inner and outer peace.  Everything is connected.  The more harmonious we are inside, the more likely we will help constructively influence those around us and attract harmonious people and situations. 


Since I believe that world peace and inner peace are essential priorities for humanity, approximately once a year, I dedicate most of a blog to Peace Pilgrim, and will do so again this time.  You can find her website at



Just click on the link above or cut and paste to your browser.  


Peace Pilgrim chose to devote her life to world, national, community and inner peace in the hope that all the beautiful and amazing creations of human beings would not be threatened or destroyed in a nuclear holocaust.  She walked across the U.S. seven times and also walked in Canada and Mexico.  Walking 25 miles a day was easy for her, and even walking 40 or 50 miles was not particularly taxing.  She spoke at colleges, universities, public schools, places of worship, gave newspaper, radio and television interviews, and led inspirational trips in Alaska and Hawaii. Peace Pilgrim inspired many people in life-changing ways during her interactions with them. She never accepted money in the 27 years she walked for peace. Since the time she began her pilgrimage, she never suffered a moment of illness – not even a headache, mild cold or bodily aches and pains. She stated that she began her life as Peace Pilgrim after she attained inner peace, which took her about fifteen years of living more and more often according to her highest good.  Below are a few of her quotes.


“When you begin the spiritual growing up you go into direct struggle between the two natures – the God-centered nature and the self-centered nature – with the two different viewpoints.”


“The most important part of my first experience of inner peace was the realization of the oneness of all creation – not only of all human beings.”


“There is a magic formula for avoiding conflicts.  It is this: Be concerned that you do not offend, not that you are not offended.”


“The teaching of divine truth – primarily the law of love - is the religion of the future.  It matters not what it is called.”


“Each season of life is wonderful if you have learned the lessons of the season before.  It is only when you go on with lessons unlearned that you wish for a return.”


“I have a rule of life that I will not ask anyone to do my dirty work for me.  I would never kill a creature or a chicken or even a fish, so I no longer eat flesh.”


“Where food is concerned I practice prevention.  Everything that is said to be bad for your health I have cut out long ago.  Why wait until you get sick?”


“If you’re harboring the slightest bitterness toward anyone, or any unkind thoughts of any sort whatever, you must get rid of them quickly.  They are not hurting anyone but you.”


“If you have a negative thought about a world situation, dwell upon the best that could happen in that situation.”


“The motive, if you are going to find inner peace, must be an outgoing motive: service.  Giving not getting.  Your motive must be good if your work is to have good effect. The secret of life is being of service.”


“It is only from that higher viewpoint that you can know what it is to love your neighbor as yourself.  From that higher viewpoint there becomes just one realistic way to work, and that is for the good of the whole.”


“Never agonize over the past or worry over the future. Live this day and live it well.”


“ Blessed are they who love and trust their fellow beings, for they shall reach the good in people and receive a loving response.”


And finally:


Blessed are they who advance toward the spiritual path without the selfish motive of seeking inner peace, for they shall find it.”


Alright, that’s plenty for today, except for this blog’s offer:  If you want to discuss Peace Pilgrim contact me.  Wishing you a peaceful day and a peaceful life.

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