Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Blog# 151 Healthful Nutrition Supports Strength Flexibility and Immunity


Recently, I’ve been reading and watching a lot of information about nutrition and a healthy immune system.  There was one interview that I particularly appreciated, and am sharing the link to the discussion with you below. You only need to listen; watching is not necessary.  And please do not read politics into this.  Dr. John Campbell is from the UK and I don’t perceive him as being particularly political.  His overarching concern is health in the UK, the US, and the rest of the world.  However, many people need to be educated about good nutrition in order to improve their health.  They don’t necessarily need to take a stand against agribusiness or big pharm, but they do need to refrain from purchasing unhealthful foods and especially need to feed their children high quality foods from animals and plants that have been nourished optimally, have not been poisoned, and have been treated humanely.  (And yes, in my opinion, plants also flourish more when treated with care and respect.)


Click on the above link or plug it into a YouTube search and it should work.  This is great just by itself, and I think it is worth listening to more than once.  


I would recommend purchasing naturally raised, organically raised, biodynamically raised produce from farmers markets, food co-ops, or growing food yourself if you are in the fortunate position to do that.  But if you can not afford organic, then at least purchase whole, locally grown foods as much as possible.  It is relatively inexpensive to make your own fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and yogurt, rather than purchasing them at the store.  Community gardens allow you to rent a plot and grow food there, and that can be economical if you have a sunny plot and know how to successfully raise produce.  Theft by squirrels, rabbits and also humans can be a problem.  Growing flowers that repel insects near your crops can help protect a garden.  So can having a watch dog in the yard, if you garden at home.  If you get a chance, watch how small organic farms are run.  Some farmers will allow you to visit, especially if you help out for a few hours on their land.  


Once again, in closing, I will direct you to watch/listen to that link above.  You may not agree with absolutely everything, but much of it is common sense, when you take the time to think about it.  I wish you a happy Autumn harvest time.  May this winter be kind to all of us.


This blog’s offer:  feel free to contact me about anything related to nutrition or to Dr. John Campbell.  Wishing Harmony and Peace for us all and for the World.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

                     Blog 150 August Is/Was Immune Support Month


August was deemed immunization awareness month, to remind people to get vaccinations, shots, and gene therapy injections in hopes of protecting health.  This blog will cover even more essential ways to protect health: consistent, everyday healthy lifestyle, positive attitude toward life experiences, and supportive social networks.


Sufficient, sound sleep is very important for maintaining health.  Avoiding blue screens for several hours prior to bedtime, or using blue light blocking glasses, blue light blocking screens or other methods to greatly reduce your blue screen/ray exposure will make it likely that you will fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly.  Your eyes will also be protected from blue ray damage, which can lead to cataracts or other reductions in visual acuity.  However, sunlight exposure in the morning, including blue light rays helps you sleep more soundly at night.  


Eating large, spicy, fatty or sugary meals soon before bedtime will also often disturb sleep.  Watching, listening to and reading material that will stir up your mind, make you worry, anger you, or otherwise interfere with peace of mind can interfere with sleep, making it hard to fall asleep, or making nightmares more likely. Unresolved conflict can also be disturbing, so it is best to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings before bedtime with those to whom you are close. 


Meditation, self-hypnosis, prayer, inspirational reading or listening to soothing music prior to bedtime tend to enhance sleep quality.  Alcoholic beverages and some recreational drugs may also impair sleep quality.  Eating to support nutritional needs and vitality, staying sufficiently hydrated, but not drinking too much fluids right before going to bed can all be helpful.  


When needed, sleep aides, such as melatonin one to two hours before bedtime can help you fall asleep more easily.  Another sleep aide, Calms Forte, is a homeopathic remedy that helps relax an overstimulated nervous system.  It is not habit forming, and is safe to use.  Certain high quality herbal teas, such as chamomile or peppermint leaf, skullcap, and lemongrass with ginger can help relax the body, nervous system and mind. 


Varying types of exercise can either stimulate the body and mind and make sleeping difficult, or can relax and tire the body, making you ready to fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly. Playing in competitive sports or running significant distances soon before bedtime, can stir up adrenaline and nervous energy, while 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, stretching or Yoga before bedtime or at any time during the day can help you fall asleep more quickly and easily. 


Keeping the room totally dark and also quiet can help encourage sleep.  Draw shades and curtains, cover the glowing faces of clocks, and arrange to have computers, television and radio quiet at bedtime and during sleep time.  Some people use ear plugs or place sleep masks over their eyes.  Do not expose yourself to the energies of cell phones, computers and other similar devices soon before bedtime.  5G communications as well as location of a home near railroad and subway tracks, commuter train stations, high power lines and other similar devices and places can be problematic for rest and calm.  Living near factories that discharge toxic waste can result in inhalation of smoke and molecules that interfere with breathing and decrease oxygen and fresh air intake.  In these locations, allergies, respiratory infections and other difficulties, such as sleep apnea,  are more likely to occur than in areas with good air quality.  


Temperatures that are either uncomfortably cold or hot can also cause sleep problems.  Dressing warmly in winter, which may include wearing a sleeping cap or gloves and using air-conditioning or fans with open windows can both help mitigate health-threatening temperature extremes. Sometimes, sleeping in consistently cold temperatures without sufficient coverings can slow thyroid function, while consistent over-heating at night can interfere with deep sleep and lead to fatigue during the day.


So we have covered some factors that can affect sleep quality, which, in turn, can support or undermine immune function.  In the next blog, we will cover some important nutritional factors that can influence the immune system and help you protect yourself from many health threats.  


This blog’s offer: contact me with questions about sleep quality, as well as for Acupuncture, Chiropractic and other treatments that can help improve sleep.